Paper to Digital: Age of Kindle

Do people still wrap their books nicely? I’m fond of wrapping my paperbacks. In spite of the rising trend of electronic reader (e-reader), I still prefer to own conventional books.

According to a research by Kindle Culture1, majority of kindle owners are adults (38.4%)  followed by older adults (37.3%) and younger adults (225).

The results suggests that there could be a relationship between the level of disposable income and age group.


Kindle by Amazon offer the ability to store thousands of books in a device that weighs less than a pound and portability that allows readers to carry around. The perks of using a Kindle are appealing but I don’t think it can replace the conventional book. It is certainly useful in the education sector such as using Kindle to cultivate reading habits among the students.

3A user at the University of Munster says:
With eBooks you can find relevant content much faster by searching for keywords. You can use them anytime and everywhere, in contrast to library-provided books, which are often not
available when you need them (Springer, 2008).

Technology has indeed revolutionised our learning journey. Reading is an important habit to nurture from young. Kindle is serving its purpose but will Kindle replace conventional library? I believe it is still a long way to go2.


1Culture, K. (2009) Kindle Culture: Kindle Demographics. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 12 Jan 2013].

2Colour My Learning (2012) Is the Amazon Kindle Fire & Kindle Fire HD any good for Education Sector?. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 12 Jan 2013].

3Springer (2008), “eBooks – the end user perspective”, white paper, available at: http://www.springer.
com/cda/content/document/cda_downloaddocument/eBooksþ-þtheþEndþUserþ Experience?SGWID¼0-0-45-608298-0 [Accessed: 12 Jan 2013]